How to Remove Ads in Android Games

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Ads in Android games often interrupt the gaming experience, especially when they appear at the most inopportune times. This can affect concentration and interfere with the game. However, there are several ways to remove ads in Android games. The following are some tips that can help you solve the problem.

Using Airplane Mode

One way to get rid of ads on Android games is to use airplane mode. This mode allows users to disable cellular signals and Wi-Fi connections, so that ads cannot appear while playing games. However, make sure you have downloaded the game and the necessary data before using airplane mode so as not to be bothered by internet connection problems.

Using the AdBlock App

The AdBlock application can help remove ads in Android games. This application will block ads that appear on Android devices, so users can play games without interruption. However, make sure to choose a trusted AdBlock application that has been tested for quality.

Using Paid Version

Oftentimes, ads appear on Android games because the user is using the free version of the game. Therefore, users may consider purchasing the paid version of the game. In the paid version, the ads are usually removed so that the user can play the game without being disturbed.

Using Offline Mode

Some Android games can be played in offline mode. In this mode, users will not be disturbed by advertisements that appear in the game. However, make sure to download the game and the necessary data before using the offline mode so as not to be bothered by internet connection problems.

Change Device Settings

Users can change device settings to remove ads on Android game. The trick is to activate the 'No Ads' setting on the device. However, not all Android devices have this option, so be sure to check if yours has it before trying this method.

Updating Games

When Android games are updated, developers often fix some bugs and problems that may occur in the game. It can also help remove ads in Android games. Make sure to keep your game updated for a better gaming experience.

Clear Device Cache

Often, the device cache stored on Android devices can affect device performance and the appearance of advertisements in games. Therefore, make sure to clear the cache of the device periodically so that the use of the device becomes smoother and the ads do not appear in the game.

Remove Unnecessary Apps

Some applications that are not needed on Android devices often affect device performance and can cause advertisements to appear in games. Therefore, make sure to remove unnecessary applications so that the device runs smoother and ads do not appear in the game.

Changing Google Play Settings

Users can also change settings on Google Play to remove ads on Android games. The trick is to open the Google Play application, then select the 'Private Ads' option and turn off the option. However, make sure to re-open the game app after changing the settings on Google Play so that ads don't appear in the game.

Using a VPN

VPN or Virtual Private Network can help get rid of ads on Android games. In some cases, the advertisements that appear in the game depend on the geographical location of the user. By using a VPN, users can change the geographical location of the device and avoid the appearance of advertisements in games.

Install Games from Trusted Sources

Today, many untrusted sites or app stores offer Android games for free. However, games downloaded from untrusted sources often contain unwanted advertisements or even malware which can damage the device. Therefore, make sure to always download games from trusted and official sources.

Disabling Game Notifications

Some Android games often display notifications in the form of pop-ups or notifications that can annoy users. Users can turn off game notifications in device settings so as not to be distracted by notifications that appear at inopportune times.

Paying to Remove Ads

Some Android game developers offer the option to remove ads by paying a certain amount of money. Even though this may seem like an expensive solution, it can help users to support the game developer and remove ads from the game.

By following the tips above, users can remove ads on Android games and experience a better gaming experience. However, make sure to always choose the right and safe method so as not to damage your Android device.


Ads on Android games often interfere with the playing experience, but users can solve this problem by using airplane mode, AdBlock application, paid version, offline mode, changing device settings, update games, clear device cache, remove unnecessary apps, change Google Play settings, use VPN, install games from trusted sources, disable game notifications, and pay to remove ads. Make sure to always choose the right and safe way to remove ads in Android games.


Can all AdBlock applications remove ads on Android games?

Not all AdBlock applications can remove ads on Android games. Make sure to choose a trusted AdBlock application that has special features to remove ads in Android games.

Can using a VPN harm Android devices?

No, using a VPN will not brick Android devices. However, make sure to use a trusted and secure VPN to avoid security issues on your device.

Can installing games from trusted sources remove ads in games?

Not always. However, installing games from trusted sources can help reduce the risk of unwanted ads or malware appearing on your device.

Is always paying to remove ads in the game the best solution?

Depends on user preference. Although paying to remove ads in games can help solve the problem, make sure to choose the method that is right and safe for you.

Is always clearing the device cache can remove ads in the game?

Not always. However, clearing the device cache can help improve device performance and reduce the chances of ads appearing in games. Make sure to clear cache regularly to maintain optimal device performance.

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